ホルストガエル (無尾目アカガエル科) Babina holsti 英名 (English name) Holst's frog

・沖縄県指定天然記念物  ・国内希少野生動植物種

鳴き声再生ボタン 複数での鳴き交わし その1( advertisement call No.1 )
鳴き声再生ボタン 複数での鳴き交わし その2( advertisement call No.2 )


Holst's frog is endemic and endanger frog. They distributed in the North part of Okinawa Island and Tokashiki Island. The total length is around 13cm from 10cm. They inhabit in the source of the mountain stream. Breeding season is summer. This frog is digging a hole of about 30cm diameter with the depth of several centimeters in depth, and laying eggs in it. Advertisement call of this frog is loud.
Ministry of the Environment RED LIST ; Endangered (EN)
Okinawa Red Data Book ; Endangered (EN)
Okinawa prefecture Natural Monument
National endangered species